Signing UpCreating an account

After clicking sign up and completing the form to create an account, you will be redirected to the "Teams" page.

InvoSync is designed to work for individuals and teams. If you are creating a personal account or the first person in your team to sign, then click on the "Create Team" button.

Creating a team

On this section, you can decide your team name and your InvoSync email address. Ending in "", this email address can be used by your team to accept invoices and receipts.

Acceptable ways to use this email are as follows:

  • Attachments that have the file format - .pdf / .png / .jpg
  • Multiple attachments are acceptable but each attachment is considered a different invoice
  • Emails in which the invoice is in the body of the email and there is no attachment included
  • (Links to invoices are not supported)
Joining a team

If someone has already created a team and you are looking to join, you are going to need their team identification number. Information on how to find your team ID can be found here: Managing Access.

Once your team ID has been inputted and accepted, you will be redirected to your team's inbox.